Our senior years usually come with a number of surprises we weren’t expecting or for which we didn’t think to plan. My clients can often articulate wonderful plans they may have for their retirement years, but those plans often change either by desire or necessity. I found this article very hopeful and quite interesting for seniors who, for one reason or another, find themselves in need of (or wanting to) create their own community living situation in order to accomplish any number of things – social connection, resource and service sharing, basic assistance, the comfort of friends, and more.
Some seniors lose their loved ones and find themselves alone, others have outlived their compatriots and colleagues and want to make new friends, some are socially disenfranchised for one reason or another – cultural, religious, or racial differences. Still others simply want the security that comes from knowing that those you know and who care about you are near.
As the baby-boomer numbers are fast growing, and we recognize our need to reinvent ourselves and continue to be responsible for our own happiness as we age, I encourage seniors (and soon to be seniors) to think beyond the housing options that “everyone else” chooses and don’t seem to fit for you, and consider creating your own community – gather up and around you those who can help you age-in-place in a manner that makes sense to you and offers you some security. Check out this article from nextavenue.com:
This blog is written by Bridget-Michaele Reischl, Attorney DECORO LAW OFFICE, PLLC www.decorolaw.comALL READERS: This blog is not, nor shall it be deemed to be, legal advice or counsel. This blog does not create an attorney-client relationship with any reader. It is designed to encourage thoughtful consideration of important legal issues with the expectation that readers will seek professional advice from a licensed attorney.
Contact Bridget-Michaele Reischl at: DECORO LAW OFFICE, PLLC 6 West 5th Street, Suite 800-D Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651)-321-3058bridget@decorolaw.com